Classic Pop Presents Pet Shop Boys

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Classic Pop Presents Pet Shop Boys

#1 Beitrag von DrFink »

Die Boys weisen via Facebook darauf hin, dass das "Classic Pop Magazin" ein 132-seitiges Sonderheft mit dem Thema "Pet Shop Boys" herausbringt:
Classic Pop Magazine has just published a 132-page special issue devoted to Pet Shop Boys. Full details about it and where to purchase it can be found at the link below: #PetText
In this special edition 132-page magazine, we survey Pet Shop Boys' incredible career thus far from their early pioneering work with Bobby Orlando that led to debut chart-topping single West End Girls, through to the duo's latest expansive hit album Super and on.

Inside, we scrutinise the inner workings behind the duo's seminal albums, via intimate interviews with the various PSB album producers: Julian Mendelsohn, JJ Jeczalik, Steve Lipson and Trevor Horn. We also speak to Art Of Noise original – and musical mastermind – Anne Dudley about her ongoing collaborations with Tennant and Lowe.

Throughout this decade-by-decade celebration, we profile some of the Pets' greatest albums from across their career including Actually, Very, Yes and Electric, plus we take an in-depth look at the duo's consistently stunning artwork, created in cahoots with design luminaries such as graphic-genius Mark Farrow.

Further in, we examine PSB's many varied musical collaborations from career-redefining albums with icons such as Dusty Springfield and Liza Minnelli, through to more contemporary partnerships with the likes of Robbie Williams, Kylie Minogue, Years And Years and David Bowie.

Lastly, the duo's finest moments are highlighted in our Top 40 essential rundown, we enjoy the many eccentric characters introduced via the group's ever-changing aesthetic – through features on both their live shows and their videos – plus there's a selection of our favourite vinyl offerings from within PSB's pioneering catalogue.

We hope you enjoy the issue!
"I never dreamt that I would get to be, the creature that I always meant to be."

Pet Shop Boys Radio:
